Training Programs…

  • Private Personal Training

    One-on-one private sessions customized to fit your goals and your schedule. Private sessions range from 45 minutes to 90 minutes. I offer both in-person training and training via facetime or zoom.

    Training plans are not a one-size-fits-all, each of my training programs is as unique as you and based on what is right for your body. Together, we develop a timeline and structure that works best for your schedule and for your personality. Together we will achieve your goals and transform your body from the inside out.

  • Health & Life Coaching

    Are you looking to improve your life by changing your bad habits into healthy ones? Are you struggling with depression, anxiety, and stress? Or are you recovering from a traumatic experience, PTS, or mild TBI?

    As a health coach, I will help you transform your eating, exercise, sleep, and other daily habits into positive ones. As your life coach, we can work together on your road to recovery from trauma, PTS, or a mild TBI by identifying a new path forward and creating a physical fitness routine that helps manage and reduce frustration, anxiety, and depression. My goal is to help you discover a new, better you and a healthier future.

  • Corrective Exercise

    Everyone needs corrective exercise work. In today’s high-stress world, we have developed bad postural habits which are leading to poor body mechanics and long-term physical problems.

    Do you have constant neck pain or back pain, yet you never injured yourself? Corrective exercise is meant to fix any improper body mechanics and postural problems helping you move, feel, and live better. It is also great for reducing the risk of injury and optimizing athletic performance.

  • Small Group Training

    If you have 2-4 friends that you want to train and share costs with, this option is for you! I create fun and intense group training plans that range from focusing on individual goals to providing various fitness formats such as spinning, boot camp, HIIT circuit, or yoga class-like sessions! You should have similar fitness goals and similar schedules.

  • Facetime & Zoom Training

    Often the demands of work, travel, and daily lives interrupt one’s ability to train in person or at a local gym. I offer remote video training sessions plus provide you with a workout that you can do no matter where you go!! I can customize your training routine as needed including tailoring to body weight (no equipment) training, at-home, and outdoor settings.

  • Corporate Events

    I offer a variety of group fitness formats from high-intensity Bootcamp or circuit-like classes to cardio boxing, spinning, and low impact. All my classes are designed to maximize calorie burn & fat loss while building strength, endurance, and core stability. Modifications are provided for those with limitations or injuries when needed.